<aside> Step 1: Head into Recipes and find meals for the upcoming week.
💡 Use the “In-Stock Only” view to see what meals can be made with in-stock ingredients
<aside> Step 2: Mark the “Next Week” property as “Next Week” for recipes to be included in your upcoming meal plan.
💡 If there are accompanying recipes to a dish, be sure to mark them all. (e.g., Tahini Ranch accompanies Veggie Sandwich)
<aside> Step 3: In the “Next Week’s Ingredients” table at the bottom of this page, add the week’s meals to this table, go to the three-dot menu, and open Properties. Click the eye to hide the old recipes and search for the recipe name to add it.
Once all the meals are included, tally up the total needed for each ingredient from the amounts populated in the table below (this is what will be added to the Shopping List).
The amounts shown in the columns in green happen automatically. The Totals column shown in orange will need to be tallied up manually. Use the unit converter below to help make sure you have a consistent measurement unit.
💡 Unit Converter
<aside> Step 4: When you’re ready to shop for the next week’s ingredients press the button. The amounts you tallied in the previous step will show up on the shopping list.
💡 Be sure to add the receipt, price, and itemized list to the Receipts page!
<aside> Step 5: Cook and dish out the meals. Or prep any ingredients you can in advance.
💡 Whether it’s making all the meals entirely, or just shopping and partially preparing (e.g., peeling and chopping veggies, creating sauces), do as much as you’d like before moving onto the next step.
<aside> Step 6: Reset the plan for the start of a new week by hitting the button below
💡 You can click and drag the filled-in “Next Week’s Ingredients” table into the archived page here: