A place to track spending, reimbursements, and itemized lists to see if there’s any way to improve spending, or to see if meal planning this way organically reduces spending
🗺️ How to Use
- Add a new line to the table with the details from the receipt
- Be sure to link any ingredients directly from the Grocery Shopping database
- There is a easy access button to add new ingredients if needed (see How-to | Add a New Ingredient for more details)
- There is also a place to add who purchased it and how much should be reimbursed as well as a check mark once it has been paid out
- The bottom row tallies important sums and percentages to help give a picture of how the money is being spent
- Once the month is over, hover over the left of the table name to click and drag the table into the Previous Months’ Spending page.
- By hitting the “New Month” button it will create a brand new table. Rename it to the current month and year and begin again.
âš™ Technicals
- A table with the following columns:
- Date: Clicking here will open a calendar view to select the date of purchase
- The calculation at the bottom will show the range of dates covered
- Amount: Enter a basic number (decimals okay) which is the total of the entire purchase
- The calculation at the bottom will show the sum of the amounts
- Purchased: A relation column which will let you start typing the name of the ingredient and select.
- The calculation at the bottom will show the number of items purchased (at least food-wise)
- Store: A single-select column with a list of store’s. If this needs to be adjusted or added to, see How-to | Edit a Property for more details.
- Who is…: A text column to put the name of the person who made the purchased (if needed)
- …owed?: If sharing expenses, this number column would the amount the purchases is expected to receive in reimbursement for the purchase.
- The calculation at the bottom will show the sum of amounts owed
- Receipt: A file column to easily upload pictures of the receipt for future reference. This is particularly helpful in case the purchase included more than food.
- Paid: A check box column to indicate whether the amount owed has been paid or not.
- The calculation at the bottom will show the percentage of purchases that have been reimbursed.
- A page (Previous Months’ Spending) to house all the previous tables in case at any point you wan to go back and see or compare
- Two buttons to help with automation:
- “Add to Ingredients List” : If you did not have the chance to add a new ingredient purchased, this is a good time. Click the button and then immediately click “open” in the pop-up menu to add the Item name and any relevant details so you can link it in the “Purchased” column.
- “New Month” : This will bring up a fresh table (with all the specifications ready to go).